Ecology is Celebrating Plastic Free July with @eatyourselfgreen

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. As part of our celebration of Plastic Free July 2021, we’ve interviewed Larissa from @eatyourselfgreen and @plasticfreegoldcoast to get inspired and learn more about sustainable and waste-free living.

Larissa from @eatyourselfgreen with her Nomad Mug in Grow.

Could you tell our audience a little bit about yourself and who you are?
My name is Larissa and I'm a Brazilian immigrant living and calling Australia home for the past 11 years. I'm a marketing manager, I co-founded Plastic Free Gold Coast, and I also run my blog, Eat Yourself Green, where I talk all about sustainability. Oh, and I'm a new mum to my 6-month-old, little Luna!

What prompted you to start living a more sustainable and waste-free lifestyle? Was the transition easy? What inspires you to keep doing so?
Watching Food Inc. 8 or 9 years ago changed my perception on consuming meats. I’ve also delved deeper into how I can tread lighter on the planet and live more sustainably. Having hope that I can be part of the change is what keeps me going everyday to be, and do, better for our future and the future of our kids.

What are some benefits that you didn’t expect to come out of adopting a more sustainable routine?
Living more sustainably gives you a lot of perspective and appreciation for the small things, it just applies to so many aspects of life.  You start to realise how much effort and care goes into growing food so you are more grateful and mindful of everything you put on your plate - you don't want to waste anything! It also just gives you more appreciation for life in general we care for our belongings a lot more, we also repair and reuse things where we can. 

What are some tips that you can give to beginners that are looking to adopt more sustainable routines and low waste lifestyles?
First off, if you want to live more sustainably, just know that all the basics you will probably already have. There's no need to buy into a sustainable lifestyle. Secondly, whatever changes you are ready to make, take it slow and master them one at a time. Being overwhelmed by lots of changes will set you up for failure and won't take you too far. And lastly, make sustainable choices that are actually sustainable for you! There's no point in making a sustainable swap if you are not going to be able to sustain it. Think about how you can add that sustainable solution to your lifestyle and go from there.

What’s the best thing you’ve learnt from living a sustainable lifestyle?
Oh, I never thought about this but I think the best thing I learnt from my sustainable lifestyle is that people actually do want to do the right thing and when people have the right information they will choose to do it. So I guess what I’ve learnt is to always give grace and show others what can be done better because more often than not, people will try to do what's best.

To learn more about Plastic Free July, head to their official page for more information and learning resources. 

Check out some of our plastic-free products.

The Ecology team works hard to ensure that our packaging doesn’t end up in landfills or polluting the environment. Learn more about our plastic-free packaging.